Let's consider the obvious. You woke up this morning!! There are numerous individuals whom did not. For most of us, we are in an upright position, think clearly and function as normal. We are the fortunate. So, consider this.
As we worry, ponder, dwell upon, and execute our daily activities, one often forgets that life is not promised to us. It is short at best. At any moment, life can be snatched away. However, as we get older there is usually a greater appreciation of these facts.
So, what must we do? Treat each day with graciousness and focus on all things "Positive". In our daily travels there are situations, circumstances and unforeseen incidences which will arise. That's a guarantee. It's how you let each one of these encounters effect one's mindset. It's about throwing out the negativity and embracing "Pure Positivity".
In every challenging situation, there is something positive to be found. One must look hard for it, as if it were buried treasure. It is sometimes hidden or difficult to see, because our emotions tend to take over. This may cause one to react, instead of searching for the positive. So, what is the real key to making every situation positive? It's getting control of our emotions.
Controlling one's emotions is easier said than done! However, with practice and daily digging positivity naturally becomes a part of you. Establish a calm environment within yourself. Your mindset and lifestyle will change forever. So, be thankful for each and every minute of the day. Even through all the perils that may try to ensnare us. Think "POSITIVELY"..... Treat each day as a BLESSING from Jehovah God. It truly is.
"Have A Be Positive Day"..... No Negativity"®